Discretionary Effort & Individual Performance

But Wes, you’re not hearing me… It’s just not in the budget and that’s just the way it goes with turnover, we’ve got to keep our focus on doing the work that pays the bills! I know that feeling all too well… Heck, that was the reality I lived with every day...

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That’s Just the Way It Goes…?

Last time I shared the snarky response I gave a friend when they said there wasn’t any money in their company’s budget for developing the people in roles with leadership responsibility, saying he seemed to have plenty in the budget for turnover… Truth be told, I’ve rarely...

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It’s Just Not In The Budget…

Having recently worked through The Lasting Impact of Positive Leadership, and what that can mean in the lives of team members we’re responsible for, I can’t imagine you’re reading this right now if you’re not convinced of the value… That said, no one magically...

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The Difference Between Success and Failure

In digging through some material I could use to tie this all together, I found an article from a group in the UK called BusinessWest that opened by stating, “The leadership of a business is felt throughout an organisation and can be the difference between a company’s success or...

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Leaving a Legacy Through Positive Leadership

If you clicked the link I included last time and checked out the complete list showing who LeverageEdu thought were histories top fifteen leaders, I doubt you had any issue understanding what I shared about some being more focused on conquering for their own glory rather than serving for the best...

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Positive Leaders in History

Let’s take a quick walk through history…

  • George Washington (1732-1799)
  • Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865)
  • Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948)
  • Winston Churchill (1874-1965)
  • Mother Teresa (1910-1997)
  • Nelson Mandela (1918-2013)
  • Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929-1968)
  • Dalai Lama (1935-present)

What does...

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This Makes Leading So Much Easier…

Let’s be honest, carrying all the responsibility that comes with leadership is never easy. And if we really want to make the kind of lasting impact that only comes from developing the positive leadership qualities we’ve been working through to this point, we’ll have our hands...

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Something You Just Can’t Buy

In addition to showing humility to every individual on the teams we lead in a way that exemplifies just how much we truly value them as individuals, we need to do everything in our power to earn something from them that can never be bought…

For more than twenty years now, I’ve heard...

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Value In Every Role

I closed last time by mentioning the various lists detailing positive leadership qualities from a simple internet search… I found one from PositivePsychology.com called Positive Leadership: 30 Must-Have Traits and Skills. Whew! That’s a bunch… Quite honestly, I almost skipped...

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Positive Leadership Qualities

Negative leadership has a lasting impact too… the difference between leading for the right and the wrong reasons… Manipulation vs inspiration… Using others or serving others…

I’ve been very intentional about the verbiage I’ve used leading up to this point,...

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Is There Ever Enough to Go Around?

Whether we’re supervising a department, managing an entire facility, or running a business of our own, there’s never a shortage of demands on our time! And let’s face it, doing anything that even comes close to making the lasting impact that positive leadership can have with our...

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What’s It Worth To You?

I closed last time with what a friend shared with me that explained why he does what he does for a fraction of the pay he could be making elsewhere; the lasting impact of that work is what drives him! Truth be told, I don’t know that doubling the salary would be even close to enough for...

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