It’s a Choice We’ve All Got to Make!

Abraham Lincoln has been quoted as saying, “Folks are usually about as happy as they make their minds up to be.” While I’ve also seen him credited for saying things like “You can’t believe all the quotes you read on the internet,” I’ve actually heard that...

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This Gives You Energy, Advantage, Connection & Growth!

Passion is a thought process you can choose at any time. If you don’t believe me (Cindy) just think about your next trip to the beach, your family, the fun you have with your best friend, or the way your dog greets you when you arrive home. If none of these work for you, how about that cup...

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The Key to Success

In putting together an upcoming course titled The Strength of Your Organization:  Finding & Retaining the Best People, I (Cindy) was reminded of something John Maxwell shared with us as part of his President’s Advisory Council.  What I am about to share with you John says is a...

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Don’t Just Get It Right, Get It Correct!

Before we close the loop on what we can do to exceed expectations for the folks with the final primary behavioral, I’m going to insert a quick plug for the complimentary session Cindy and I are hosting on Friday, Feb 12 at 2:30p on How Top Leaders Set the Tone for Recruitment &...

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Just be Nice...

As I closed the last post, I referenced one primary difference between the folks with either of the last two styles we looked at and these final two styles we’ll be working through; the need to tone it down a bit as we work to exceed their expectations…

Before going too far with the...

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Extra Energy and Excitement

While exceeding expectations with the DRIVEN folks we looked at in the last post will often involve less sizzle and more steak, the next 30% - the INSPIRING ones - may actually enjoy the sizzle! Once we have that clear picture of what they expect, we can go above and beyond with this Fast-Paced ...

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Driven to Exceed Expectations

In a large majority of the initial conversations I have with folks around the DISC Model of Human Behavior, I’m told “I’ve taken an assessment. I’m a D (or an I, or an S, or a C)” and that’s about as far as they take it. Interestingly enough, statements like...

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Finding Your Passion and Reaching Your Potential

Consider the need and value of passion in our lives. Without passion we would simply be trudging along kind of numb and with no excitement.  That means today, there would be nothing we are excited about.  And nothing we’re excited about tomorrow, or next week.  Rather than...

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Aligning Intentions with Perceptions

Even after doing all the things we’ve looked at through the last several posts to ensure we’re on the right track to being able to exceed expectations with each person we interact with, there can be a huge gap between what we intend and what they perceive! Nearly all of us have grown...

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Not On or To Them, but FOR Them!

I got my first taste of behavior-based safety in late spring or early summer of 1998. Cindy and I had only been dating a few months at that point so I was still teetering on the edge to say the least… By the time I went through the two day training process required to conduct behavioral...

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Becoming Aware of Your Identity

In the 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth, John Maxwell presents Laws of Growth with the Live It, Learn It, Lead It mindset challenging us to Live It but genuinely living out the law we are growing in.  This challenges us to be the change.  Learn It is simply taking in the right information....

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Do Not Cheat Yourself By Doing This!

When we strive to become more aware of us we give ourselves a chance to grow in the areas we need to. 

A friend called me (Cindy) recently with a revelation about some of the individuals she was choosing to spend time with. I passed on an intentional action a mentor shared with me when I...

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