Are You “Countable”?

In The 17 Indispensable Laws of Teamwork, John Maxwell coined the idea of “countability” in chapter 9. He explains the Law of Countability by saying that “Teammates must be able to count on each other when it counts!” And if we ever want to be known as a bridge builder,...

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1,000 Bridges…

I closed last time with a less than stellar example of how influence, good or bad, can impact the overall direction of a team. And in that particular scenario I detailed, the person who had the influence and did more than his share of steering the ship carried no positional authority at all. If...

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Good or Bad, Teams Rally Around This…

If we were having this conversation face to face, I’m guessing you’d reply to what I shared last time by saying something like, “Alright Wes, if everything really does rise and fall on leadership, but you’re telling me it requires more than the carrot and stick status-quo,...

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Everything Rises and Falls On…

OK, so maybe teamwork can make the dream work with regards to helping drive profitability in our organizations… And maybe employee engagement and teamwork are directly correlated with one another… But how do these fairly fluffy ideas become reality and who’s responsible for...

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Teamwork Makes the Dream Work… But How?

A few years back, I did a series of lessons in our Leading At The Next Level program combining some things that stuck out to me when I re-read John Maxwell’s book, The 17 Indisputable Laws of Teamwork, with several experiences I had lived through in my own career since reading it for the...

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Answering Lots of Questions

This final primary behavioral style is one that’s near and dear to me! When everything’s clicking on all cylinders for me, I have an above average amount of this in my overall blend. But I’ve learned that it nearly disappears completely when I’m under a lot of stress....

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Focused on the People but Keeping an Eye on the Task

Last time we looked at a few things we can keep in mind to lead ourselves more effectively when we’ve developed the self-awareness to understand that we have a primarily DRIVEN behavioral style. While that’s absolutely how I’m wired, I do realize that only about 10% of the...

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Less Demanding & Defiant but still Very Driven

When we looked at those statistics that Travis Bradberry cited, where did you fall? Do you feel like you’re among the 36% who would be able to identify your emotions as they happen? Or are you more likely to be in that majority who could not? If I’m going to be completely honest here,...

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Getting Strategic About Self-Leadership Skills

Since flipping the calendar to a new year, we’ve looked at just how important self-awareness and self-leadership can be for each of us - especially when we’re in a role where we carry the responsibility of leading others! We also looked at some tools we can use to really understand...

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Self-Awareness to Self-Leadership

I can’t even count the number of times over the last 20 years or so that I’ve heard John Maxwell say that “the highest form of leadership is self-leadership.” Then he usually goes on to qualify that statement by emphasizing that it’s always more difficult to lead...

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Strategies for Self-Leadership

Having recently looked at how important it is for each of us to develop self awareness as leaders, let’s get down to business and begin working through ways we can become strategic about building that self-awareness so we’re prepared to deal with the toughest person we’ll ever...

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I Run This Place; Of Course I’m a Leader!

Last time I shared something I first heard John Maxwell say more than a decade ago regarding voluntary turnover, “Some sources estimate that as many as 65% of people leaving companies do so because of their managers… The ‘company’ doesn’t do anything negative to...

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