Positive Leadership Qualities

Negative leadership has a lasting impact too… the difference between leading for the right and the wrong reasons… Manipulation vs inspiration… Using others or serving others…

I’ve been very intentional about the verbiage I’ve used leading up to this point,...

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Is There Ever Enough to Go Around?

Whether we’re supervising a department, managing an entire facility, or running a business of our own, there’s never a shortage of demands on our time! And let’s face it, doing anything that even comes close to making the lasting impact that positive leadership can have with our...

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The Impact of Positive Leadership

I recently read a blog post that opened by quoting Daniel Goleman, author of the book Emotional Intelligence, as saying “that leadership style has a 70% impact on an organization’s climate which in turn impacts business performance” and closed with the statement, “Having...

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Approachability in Leadership

As part of a Live2Lead event a few years back, one of the speakers shared something they witnessed soon after accepting the top role in a new organization. Many of the executives arrived at the corporate headquarters into a private parking lot, entered through a secluded elevator, and went...

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Size (of the Stage) Doesn’t Matter!

Let’s go back to that less than engaging experience I mentioned before where a fellow not named Bret Michaels soured my opinion of every bit of music he and his band had put out during their entire career… He and his band released an EP and five full studio albums before 1983 &...

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Are You Engaging Your Audience?

I make no apologies for my taste in music. In fact, I’m convinced the 80’s hairband genre featured some of the most talented musicians and entertainers in the last century. You certainly don’t have to share this opinion, but I’m clearly not alone - as evidenced by the 30...

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Don’t Just Tell Me, Show Me! Then Show Me Again...

Once we accept that it’s way more than what we say, there’s a lot more we’ll need to consider than just our tone and our body language. If we’re really leading the team members who are counting on us, they’ll be watching what we do when those words aren’t...

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Deliberate Leadership

Once we’ve charted the course for our organization and we’ve studied strategic leadership examples we can apply personally, we need to become very deliberate in how we lead our teams so we can reach the destination we’ve set our sights on! This certainly applies to how we...

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Life, Liberty, and Equal Treatment?

Before we turn the corner and begin working through some skills we can each hone to lead our teams more effectively, and in turn yield higher engagement and stronger profit margins, let’s circle back to where I left off last time after my time on the ole soap box about being countable...

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Are You “Countable”?

In The 17 Indispensable Laws of Teamwork, John Maxwell coined the idea of “countability” in chapter 9. He explains the Law of Countability by saying that “Teammates must be able to count on each other when it counts!” And if we ever want to be known as a bridge builder,...

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1,000 Bridges…

I closed last time with a less than stellar example of how influence, good or bad, can impact the overall direction of a team. And in that particular scenario I detailed, the person who had the influence and did more than his share of steering the ship carried no positional authority at all. If...

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Good or Bad, Teams Rally Around This…

If we were having this conversation face to face, I’m guessing you’d reply to what I shared last time by saying something like, “Alright Wes, if everything really does rise and fall on leadership, but you’re telling me it requires more than the carrot and stick status-quo,...

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