Don’t Just Get It Right, Get It Correct!

assessment authentic leadership behavior customer experience customer service disc effective communication exceeding expectations golden rule human behavior leadership model of human behavior servant leadership team building Feb 09, 2021

Before we close the loop on what we can do to exceed expectations for the folks with the final primary behavioral, I’m going to insert a quick plug for the complimentary session Cindy and I are hosting on Friday, Feb 12 at 2:30p on How Top Leaders Set the Tone for Recruitment & Retention. Whether you have a SHRM or HRCI credential that you can use the approved continuing education for or not, the only reason I can imagine this not being a relevant topic would be that you just don’t mind hemorrhaging money due to turnover. And if that’s the case, no worries at all. But if that topic will be of any value, here’s the link to register at no cost

Now, let’s look at some things we can be sure to do to really exceed expectations when we’re serving the 25% of the population who are Reserved and Task-Oriented; our more CAUTIOUS friends…

While the folks who have this CONTEMPLATIVE style will approach things with a slower pace, it’s usually because they’re CALCULATING all the possible outcomes to ensure the final product - whatever that happens to be at the time - is as accurate as it can possibly be. A big difference between this CONSCIENTIOUS group and the Reserved approach we looked at with the 35% who tend to prefer the STATUS QUO will almost always be what they’re focused on along the way; finishing what they start by following a clear set of instructions

As we work to exceed their expectations, we’ll need to pay close attention to the detail they’ve provided and be willing to work through all of their questions along the way. Their CAREFUL nature won’t be open to unnecessary risks so we’ll do well to provide very specific reasoning for anything that may be perceived as out of the ordinary. Showing that we have an organized process for following an established pattern will play a big part in ensuring this COMPETENT group that we’re genuinely interested in delivering with precision. 

And as we do all of these things, we shouldn’t get thrown off if we think they’re being unusually COLD. As they process the intricate details of what we’re doing for them, they’ll rarely show any facial expression. I frequently ask Cindy what’s bothering her, only to be reminded that she’s just thinking through all the mess I’ve thrown her way without the slightest hint that I’m not headed for the doghouse…

As I’ve said throughout the last few posts, these are just some brief tips we can consider as we work to exceed expectations for each of the primary styles. That said, no one is just one style; we’re all a unique blend. When we understand someone’s complete style blend, we can be even more intentional in how we serve them, but this should provide a solid starting point!