Compounding to Reach Their Purpose

Even without knowing where all those parts I stamped out each day would eventually go, who would benefit from them, or how any of the blood and sweat I put into them had even the slightest lasting impact on the greater good, I still found a way to motivate myself each day in spite of always...

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A Clear Picture…

If we want to have any hope of capturing even the slightest bit of the profit we’re currently throwing away by not developing the most authentic influence we possibly can with our teams and eliminating all that waste that’s so often tied to miscommunication, we need to have an...

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Discretionary Effort & Individual Performance

But Wes, you’re not hearing me… It’s just not in the budget and that’s just the way it goes with turnover, we’ve got to keep our focus on doing the work that pays the bills! I know that feeling all too well… Heck, that was the reality I lived with every day...

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Overcoming the Timing Gap

A new coaching client asked me (Cindy) recently what my favorite book on leadership was.  Without hesitation I shared the single most impactful book for me other than the Bible is, 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth.  As leaders, we must lead ourselves well before we have any hope of leading...

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Bridging the Growth Gap

Recently, we provided our Emerging Leader Development training to a group of 15 or so managers and supervisors.  One of my (Cindy) favorite parts we’ll land on next week with this group is on the topic of having a growth plan.  With this, we explain some of the gaps each of us...

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You Can’t Hit What You Can’t See

I recently challenged you to think about Why is Professional Development Important? then we looked at the importance of intention Professional Development Goals in the last post. But we have to be very honest with ourselves when we’re considering either; we need to have a clear picture of...

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How to Instantly Have a Better Day

Intentional action in the direction of your dream will change the way you think and change the way you feel. It will change everything and you will never be the same again. Make today a forward movement in the direction you want to go! It doesn't take a lot although what you give is up to you but...

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The First Thing Required to Grow You...

When I (Cindy) first studied the Law of Awareness in the 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth by John Maxwell, I realized the more quality questions we ask ourselves - about us- the deeper an awareness we can obtain of who we are, where we are, and where we want to go.

Not everyone likes questions and...

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LA via Omaha...

If you were a fan of the late Charlie Daniels, the subject line of this message may ring a bell. While I often reference my taste for guitar solo-laden tunes by 80’s hair bands, I always enjoyed CDB (the Charlie Daniels Band), not to be confused with all the hype today around CBD - although...

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Sometimes It’s Just HARD!

Apparently the last post sharing my near-death experience during that less than half mile run was somewhat amusing… Not only did I receive a few direct email responses about the humor folks were able to find in my stupidity, I heard Cindy laughing uncontrollably from the other side of the...

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Maybe Not Slow, But Definitely Steady!

First off, let me apologize for the last post. I had no intention of pushing anyone to break any New Year’s resolutions so early on by sharing how little will power I have when it comes to greasy pizza. Judging by a few of the replies I received, I may have been a bit too graphic…


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All In, At Least For A Little While...

Picture this: so many times I’ve buckled down and cut nearly all the carbs out of my diet. No candies, very little bread, no macaroni & cheese or pasta… Basically nothing I enjoy except meat and cheese. As I write this, I have an image in my head of Buddy the Elf telling the fake...

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