The First Thing Required to Grow You...

15 invaluable laws of growth; growth intentional intentional action know yourself law of awareness professional development quality questions Jan 19, 2021

When I (Cindy) first studied the Law of Awareness in the 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth by John Maxwell, I realized the more quality questions we ask ourselves - about us- the deeper an awareness we can obtain of who we are, where we are, and where we want to go.

Not everyone likes questions and has a natural curiosity like I do. But since the Law of Awareness says, You Must Know Yourself to Grow Yourself, we have to start with us.  And no one knows us better than we know ourselves! If introspective questions are not your thing that's okay. We don’t have to like the steps and stretches it takes to grow but we do have to take intentional action in the right areas to grow. And I promise the growth you obtain along the way will be worth your effort!

A good first question to ask yourself is, who are you? Since we must know ourselves in order to grow, asking who you really are will help you identify things about yourself you may otherwise overlook or take for granted.

Think about your core values and whether or not you're willing to do anything differently in order to grow. Whether we like it or not, we cannot remain the same and grow. It just doesn’t work that way and believe me I’ve tried! Growth requires change and that change can be small or huge. It’s up to you!

Another question you will need to ask yourself is, where are you going? Are you taking intentional action in the right areas to grow in this direction?

If we’re drifting from day to day without using our potential, we don’t have direction. Focus and taking intentional action on that focus, gives us direction.

If we’re drifting some days and focused on others, we can lose the hard fought ground we have gained. When we stop drifting and move to intentional action we can not only grow but sustain the growth we have obtained and continue growing.

To grow yourself, you must know some core things about yourself like...

  1. Your Strengths
  2. Your Weaknesses
  3. Your Interest
  4. Your Opportunities

Take inventory of these and it will help you identify your direction. What can you gain, where can you grow, what will motivate you? You may even discover some things you want to avoid all together!  If you would like access to our complimentary professional growth & development resources you can access our courses here!