Another (Red) Face (and puffed out chest) in the Crowd

As I post this, Cindy and I just finished our second gym workout of the new year. We went at an odd time earlier in the week so the crowd of Resolutioners that we had anticipated wasn’t there. That said, there were certainly more people milling around that we would have seen at that same...

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Controlled Response

In working through the importance of controlling our delivery in the last post, I stopped just short of detailing the scenario in question. Without going into specifics and tossing anyone under the proverbial bus, I’ll touch on that briefly now as it tees up the topic we’ll look at...

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Controlled Delivery

When I made the last post, I thought we’d be turning the page from Controlling What We Can Control and looking at an entirely different topic when we picked things up again. As Cindy and I discussed a few recent scenarios where we had referred family members to a few different business...

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Our Attitude and Our Action

In the last post, I referenced what I’ve always heard as the only two things we can control; our attitude and our action. That ties right in with something we looked at in this series a few months back regarding what I heard a mentor of ours call The Cycle of Success. He said, “Our...

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Get More Juice From Each Squeeze!

I closed the last blog post with a promise to share some practical steps each of us can build a culture that creates amazing customer experiences and directly impacts profitability. Before I go there though, I want to share what may be the last invitation I can pass along for you to join me and...

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We’re Only Human...

In the most recent LinkedIn article I published called If You Want It Done Right…, I shared a comment I heard John Maxwell make recently, “A leader who empowers their team isn’t someone who believes they have to do it all themselves for it to be done right.” While...

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When I Did This, Everything Changed

It was a bit shocking to learn 95% of all people never take action on their intentions. And many of the remaining 5% that do take action, never take action on the things that will get them the results they're after!  I remember soberly thinking, that is nearly everyone.  Wait a...

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Are You Making the HARD Decisions?

You know those times where you’re trying to decide where you and your significant other are going for dinner? Yep, the ones where neither of you really care what place you go to but every suggestion the other person makes just isn’t appealing???

Those aren’t the HARD Decisions...

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It Fuels the DRIVEN Style, but It’s Important for Everyone!

Originally shared in A Daily Dose Of Leadership on June 19, 2020.

When Cindy and I work with teams to build a foundation for effective workplace communication throughout their culture using the DISC Model of Human Behavior, we always share that the one thing that puts fuel in the tank for folks...

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Yoda Had It Right, and So Much Depends on This…

Originally shared in A Daily Dose Of Leadership on June 18, 2020.

I don’t know that I’ve ever watched any one of the Star Wars movies start to finish, but the one line that I’ve resonated with more was where Yoda said “Do. Or do not. There is no try.”

Leading up...

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You Don’t Have to Control Every Single Thing

Originally shared in A Daily Dose Of Leadership on August 4, 2020.

Over the last few weeks in this series, we’ve taken a look at how things can spiral out of control throughout an organization once Ethical Fading begins, then we dug into the real definitions for diversity and inclusion as...

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