The Right Tool(s) for the Job

Last time I referenced The Platinum Role with regards to communicating with our team members based on what they needed, rather than just how we’re wired to share a message. That’s critical for simply limiting the amount of misunderstanding we have on any given day, but it’s even...

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Answering Lots of Questions

This final primary behavioral style is one that’s near and dear to me! When everything’s clicking on all cylinders for me, I have an above average amount of this in my overall blend. But I’ve learned that it nearly disappears completely when I’m under a lot of stress....

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Focused on the People but Keeping an Eye on the Task

Last time we looked at a few things we can keep in mind to lead ourselves more effectively when we’ve developed the self-awareness to understand that we have a primarily DRIVEN behavioral style. While that’s absolutely how I’m wired, I do realize that only about 10% of the...

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Less Demanding & Defiant but still Very Driven

When we looked at those statistics that Travis Bradberry cited, where did you fall? Do you feel like you’re among the 36% who would be able to identify your emotions as they happen? Or are you more likely to be in that majority who could not? If I’m going to be completely honest here,...

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Getting Strategic About Self-Leadership Skills

Since flipping the calendar to a new year, we’ve looked at just how important self-awareness and self-leadership can be for each of us - especially when we’re in a role where we carry the responsibility of leading others! We also looked at some tools we can use to really understand...

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Strategies for Self-Leadership

Having recently looked at how important it is for each of us to develop self awareness as leaders, let’s get down to business and begin working through ways we can become strategic about building that self-awareness so we’re prepared to deal with the toughest person we’ll ever...

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Self Awareness in Leadership is Crucial!

We started out last time by looking at some stats Travis Bradberry shared detailing how uncommon true self awareness really is in basically any role. Since our focus here is really on leadership, let’s dial in on that. I mean, if someone is in a leadership role, aren’t they far more...

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OK, Youโ€™re a Leader. Why Would Self-Awareness Even Matter?

Not long ago, Cindy and I were looking through options for using an Audible credit when we stumbled onto something new from John Maxwell. Having read (or listened to) just about everything John’s put out over the last twenty years, we were a bit surprised that we hadn’t heard of The...

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Special Attention to ALL the Details

In Emotional Intelligence 2.0, Travis Bradberry says “People who manage relationships well are able to see the benefit of connecting with many different people, even those they are not fond of. Solid relationships are something that should be sought and cherished.”

While I’ve...

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The Difference in Recognition and Appreciation

In the last post, we looked at a few things that will stand out in the behaviors of the more DRIVEN folks when their emotions are running full speed ahead. We also looked at what we may want to consider doing, at least when it’s within our control, in order to ease some of the tension in...

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Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace

In Emotional Intelligence 2.0, Travis Bradberry defines the last component of emotional intelligence that we looked at, relationship management, as “your ability to use your awareness of your own emotions and those of others to manage interactions successfully.” As I’ve...

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Strong Relationships Build Strong Teams

Once we understand the framework for accurately picking up on the emotions of the person we’re interacting with, by recognizing and understanding their behaviors, we can begin honing the fourth component of emotional intelligence - relationship development.

Let’s be honest, building...

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