Recognizing the Need for More Accountability

If we really want to avoid the costs that pile up when no one is held accountable and capture the profitability that’s so often killed as a result, the first step is realizing there’s even a problem… Before you tune me out here, I’m not inviting you to an AA meeting! When...

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Not Responsible for Results or Consequences

So we’re clearly suffering from a lack of accountability in nearly every sector of society and it’s certainly not a new issue, but I’m guessing that means something a little different to all of us… And without a clear definition, it’s going to be tough to make any...

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Nothing New Under the Sun...

I remember being in a small group with John Maxwell in Orlando several years ago when someone asked him what I thought was a strange question… The fellow said, “John, all of your books today are geared at the business community. I’m a pastor and I’d like to have some...

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From You, Down…

We’ve worked through some critical things we can each take complete responsibility for controlling in our own lives and with the teams we lead in the last several posts. Before we get the milk & cookies ready for Santa and prepare for New Year, assuming he’s allowed to travel this...

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Was That What You Were Hoping For?

Spending time in a garage won’t make you a car any more than sitting in a nice office will make you a leader… I closed the last blog by promising to dig into some of the consequences we can expect to see depending on whether we choose The Harder Right or the Easier Wrong when...

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