Responsibility Stinks!

Originally shared in A Daily Dose Of Leadership on July 1, 2020.

Do you remember a time in your career, or even in your personal life, when so many people weren’t depending on you to make the right decisions? And maybe there wasn’t even anyone watching if you did something stupid, or...

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Monkey See, Monkey Do? Team Member See? Team Member Do!!!

Originally shared in A Daily Dose Of Leadership on June 30, 2020.

Ok… Think back to when you were a kid. What did you see the people you admired most doing that you weren’t allowed to do? Maybe you were too young, maybe “it was bad for you”, or maybe it was just something...

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It Fuels the DRIVEN Style, but It’s Important for Everyone!

Originally shared in A Daily Dose Of Leadership on June 19, 2020.

When Cindy and I work with teams to build a foundation for effective workplace communication throughout their culture using the DISC Model of Human Behavior, we always share that the one thing that puts fuel in the tank for folks...

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Yoda Had It Right, and So Much Depends on This…

Originally shared in A Daily Dose Of Leadership on June 18, 2020.

I don’t know that I’ve ever watched any one of the Star Wars movies start to finish, but the one line that I’ve resonated with more was where Yoda said “Do. Or do not. There is no try.”

Leading up...

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“Many People Would Rather DIE than Think; In Fact, Most Do…”

Originally shared in A Daily Dose Of Leadership on June 17, 2020.

British polymath, Bertrand Russell once said that “many people would rather die than think; in fact, most do.”

And this is the second piece of A Cycle for Success in Any Endeavor that we started looking at in the last...

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The Starting Point for ALL Achievement!

Originally shared in A Daily Dose Of Leadership on June 16, 2020.

In Think & Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill stated that “Your BELIEF, or faith, is the element which determines the action of your subconscious mind.” In both the video summary of what we’ll be digging into through...

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Less Talk, More Action…

Originally shared in A Daily Dose Of Leadership on July 10, 2020.

A I closed the last blog where we looked at how important it is for us to not only set the example for our team to follow when challenges come our way, but to also intentionally guide our team members in how they respond to...

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An Entire Team of Opportunity Finders!

Originally shared in A Daily Dose Of Leadership on July 9, 2020.

Napoleon Hill once said, “I have also discovered that there comes with every experience of temporary defeat, and every failure and every form of adversity, the seed of an equivalent benefit. Mind you, I did not say the full...

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Do They Really Know How Much You Value Them?

Originally shared in A Daily Dose Of Leadership on July 8, 2020.

As leaders, we each work incredibly hard to earn belief and trust from each individual on our teams. But let me stop here and point out that I didn’t say “as managers” or “as executives” because the...

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What Are You Feeding Them?

Originally shared in A Daily Dose Of Leadership on July 7, 2020.

In a recent Leading At The Next Level lesson called Different Name, Same Challenge, we took a look at how easy it can really be for any of us to get overwhelmed by fears or concerns when everything we see and hear from the media...

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Clear Expectations with Specific Details

Originally shared in A Daily Dose Of Leadership on August 7, 2020.

To this point, we’ve looked at specific action steps we can take in being intentional about including team members with the first three of the four primary communication styles. Let’s close the loop by digging into...

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Genuine Appreciation

Originally shared in A Daily Dose Of Leadership on August 6, 2020.

Through the last few blogs, we’ve taken a look at some things we can do to intentionally include individuals as part of our team and build a culture of authentic inclusion. Since we each have our own unique blend of all four...

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