What’s It Worth To You?

I closed last time with what a friend shared with me that explained why he does what he does for a fraction of the pay he could be making elsewhere; the lasting impact of that work is what drives him! Truth be told, I don’t know that doubling the salary would be even close to enough for...

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The Impact of Positive Leadership

I recently read a blog post that opened by quoting Daniel Goleman, author of the book Emotional Intelligence, as saying “that leadership style has a 70% impact on an organization’s climate which in turn impacts business performance” and closed with the statement, “Having...

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The Entire Team Matters!

Once we’ve accepted a leadership role, there’s never a shortage of things demanding our time and attention. That’s just part of what we signed up for! That said, one thing we just can’t lose sight of, especially if we want to build the kind of leadership presence...

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Size (of the Stage) Doesn’t Matter!

Let’s go back to that less than engaging experience I mentioned before where a fellow not named Bret Michaels soured my opinion of every bit of music he and his band had put out during their entire career… He and his band released an EP and five full studio albums before 1983 &...

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Which Stage Are You Singing From?

I’ll be very transparent here, I know my limitations… I'm certain I’ve never even been able to sing as well as Vince Neil (if we can really call what he does now singing), which is a fairly low bar at this point! In fact, I haven’t believed I could sing for more than...

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What If I Don’t Accept That Responsibility?

I can hear it now… Somebody read the last post and is pushing back! “Wes, I don’t agree with you… I can’t control how anyone responds to what I tell them, that’s on them. And I certainly can’t help it if they can’t understand the simple words that...

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At Least Participation Trophies Require Participation…

Since we’ve developed a foundation for some of the biggest challenges we’re facing in the workplace today, let’s move our focus so, just maybe, we can stop treating the symptoms and start addressing what’s actually causing those challenges! And even if we can’t...

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Walk Softly, and Don’t Upset Anyone!

With that story about how my friend provided his student a priceless life lesson fresh in your mind, let’s circle back to what I believe is one of the biggest challenges in the workplace today: too many lawyers! If you’re an NCIS fan, think Rule #13… “Never involve...

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You Matter!

Let’s assume we’ve accepted our leadership responsibility and we’ve actually following through by doing the work necessary to make sure our team members are indeed measuring the right things so they have a clear picture of their performance AND we’ve provided them with...

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Now Serving… Wait a Minute, Who are We Serving?

Periodically, a parade of managers would gather around those nifty bulletin boards I mentioned last time and they’d expect the area lead person to give them a run down of everything that was plotted on all the charts they were supposed to be updating each hour. In the cases where the lead...

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Why You Really Matter

How many times have you had a task on your to-do list that you just didn’t want to mess with? You know, one that was not only a pain in the butt to deal with but also something you didn’t really understand why it even needed to be done? Assuming you’re picturing at least half a...

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What is Onboarding? And Why Does It Matter?

Cindy and I focus the majority of our work around helping organizations develop their leaders and build more effective communication into their cultures. Quite frankly, I can’t can’t think of anything else that can impact a company’s productivity, and in turn profitability, any...

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