A Very Slippery Slopeā€¦

Not so long ago in our Leading At The Next Level program, I put together a lesson called Don’t Confuse Quiet Quitting with a Lack of Leadership. Not only did I emphasize that the idea of “quiet quitting” was far from being something new, I did my best to step on as many toes as...

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Be the Reason They Donā€™t Quietly Quit!

Think back to the statements I shared from the article, To Find Success at Work, Match Your Job With Your Personality, suggesting that “Certain jobs attract people with predictable personalities” and “personality correlates so tightly with jobs that it may affect job choices...

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The Right Tool(s) for the Job

Last time I referenced The Platinum Role with regards to communicating with our team members based on what they needed, rather than just how we’re wired to share a message. That’s critical for simply limiting the amount of misunderstanding we have on any given day, but it’s even...

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Quiet Quitting: How to Prevent It

Now that we have a foundation for what the real issue is, rather than getting caught up in the recent hype, and we’ve looked at who’s to blame - or more importantly, who’s behavior we can actually control on any given day - let’s tie all this together with some specific...

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Quiet Firing: Childish and Unacceptable!

Let me emphasize it again just in case we’re not on the same page… Quiet quitting may be a relatively new term but it ain’t a new thing! And while I’ll never suggest I’m OK with someone giving less than satisfactory effort expecting a world-class reward, I’m...

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Equal Opportunities or Equitable Opportunities?

So what if that burnout we so often hear about really is a result of being uninspired rather than just plain tired? What can we do as a leader to provide our team members with what they need to find true fulfillment in what may seem like such a mundane routine? Quite frankly, that conversation...

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Burnout: Are They Tired or Just Not Inspired?

Since looking at Who’s to Blame last time, my mom shared something she had just seen on Dr. Phil where he suggested that quiet quitting was a societal issue largely caused by lack of initiative on the employees’ part. I usually attempt to be fairly mild and respectful with my language...

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Employees Quiet Quitting - Whoā€™s to Blame?

There’s certainly a lot of hype around it currently, but I maintain that quiet quitting is no new issue - even though I’ve never seen anyone seem to care the least bit about it until just recently! With hopes that you’re tracking with me on the importance of EARNING engagement...

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