Connecting Purposes So Everyone Wins

My primary focus in writing What’s KILLING Your Profitability? (It ALL Boils Down to Leadership!) was to absolutely drive home one single point to every business owner, executive, and manager it could possibly reach. That point, detailed through each separate chapter, was how much impact...

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It ALL Matters; Connecting Monotony to Monumental

A year or so before I left the manufacturing company I had worked with for nearly my entire adult life, the corporate office launched a campaign that segmented the organization into two distinct business units. Truth be told, this wasn’t anything new; it’s more about branding than...

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Identifying Their Approach

Once we’ve been intentional about adjusting the pace we use to help each of our team members latch onto a purpose that drives them and yields engagement, we can shift our attention to the second piece of the pattern that Marston identified; is our team member more focused on the task at...

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Following a Pattern

As we work to verbalize a purpose each of our team members find fulfillment in and connect with, something they can rally around as a genuine purpose in their life, it won’t be as simple as throwing the proverbial mud against the wall and hoping something sticks. This will require us to be...

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We Canโ€™t Treat Them All the Same

One of the things that Cindy and I enjoy most about customizing our Emerging Leader Development course for many of the bigger clients we work with has been providing them with the tools to communicate more effectively with each individual on their team. As we teach them how to quickly recognize...

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Great People Are Drawn to a Definite Purpose

Have you ever seen a professional sports team that’s absolutely stacked with talent but rarely, if ever, wins a championship? The older I get, the less I can tolerate the ever-increasing nonsense that’s seemed to have taken over professional sports so I can’t speak in much...

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Purpose Builds Great Teams, and Profitability!

After a lengthy conversation with a friend who produces high end marketing videos, and procrastinating much longer than I should have, I finally gave in and had some snippets cut from a few professionally produced videos of me and Cindy speaking and began posting them as “shorts” on...

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Putting Your Definite Purpose to Words

I can’t remember exactly when I read The Master Key to Riches for the first time but I believe it was just over twenty years ago. Truth be told, it was so much to take in at that point that I recall having to go through each subsection of every chapter twice before moving on - just to begin...

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A Definite Purpose Comes with a Price Tag

Earlier in this look at the idea of leading with a clear purpose, I challenged you to really consider why you do what you do and I’ve been intentional since about emphasizing that accepting leadership responsibility simply for the perks that are perceived to come with it ain’t gonna...

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The Power of a Definite Purpose

To this point, we’ve looked at how important it is for each of us to lead with a clear purpose, I’ve challenged you to really consider why you do what you do, and we’ve worked through some ideas we can each apply to intentionally design love and purpose into our routines. That...

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Connecting It All to Our Purpose

I remember laughing out loud at my new boss during the first 60 day review I had experienced as a new employee since I was a teenager. In early October of 2014, I started a position with a new company for the first time since March of 1996. During that initial performance evaluation just two...

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Can We Really Drive Productivity Without Love?

I’ve often heard that you can prove anything with statistics - except facts… I realize that’s something usually said in jest but I’ve also seen the same statistics used to prove contradictory points, and I won’t even get started on how many times I’ve seen...

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