Letā€™s Put a Bow On It!

Make no mistake, nothing I’ve shared here as we’ve looked at the strengths of these Founding Fathers - Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, and James Madison - has been with the intention of suggesting they were perfect. Quite honestly, that’s why I included some of the...

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Better Through the Support of Others!

I sure can relate with James Madison on a few things, although his academic success and ability to achieve collaboration with even his fiercest opponents aren’t among them… I feel like I can get a good bit accomplished on any given day, but like Madison, the work I do is always much...

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Long Before There Was a Football Teamā€¦

Long before all the conversation slamming the NCAA for upholding rule barring the football team from competing for a conference championship or bowl game despite a remarkable start to just their second FBS season, our local university’s namesake was known for being “the Father of the...

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A Way With Words

Before we pick up by looking at a couple of Benjamin Franklin’s peers, and specifically their leadership characteristics that you and I still benefit from today, I’ll share one last invitation to join us on Friday, December 8 (likely around 3p or so on Zoom) to get the specifics on...

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The Difference Between Success and Failure

In digging through some material I could use to tie this all together, I found an article from a group in the UK called BusinessWest that opened by stating, “The leadership of a business is felt throughout an organisation and can be the difference between a company’s success or...

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Leaving a Legacy Through Positive Leadership

If you clicked the link I included last time and checked out the complete list showing who LeverageEdu thought were histories top fifteen leaders, I doubt you had any issue understanding what I shared about some being more focused on conquering for their own glory rather than serving for the best...

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Positive Leaders in History

Let’s take a quick walk through history…

  • George Washington (1732-1799)
  • Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865)
  • Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948)
  • Winston Churchill (1874-1965)
  • Mother Teresa (1910-1997)
  • Nelson Mandela (1918-2013)
  • Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929-1968)
  • Dalai Lama (1935-present)

What does...

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