Ignore It at Your Own Riskā€¦

If we’re not intentional about actively developing the leadership skills of each key individual on our teams, the areas where we’re likely hemorrhaging profit have very few bounds. Even the leaders who are incredibly strategic in defining exactly how they’ll implement each new...

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WHY Do You Value What You Value?

Once we’re confident that we have a solid list of the things we really value, we need to be very intentional about defining the reason each of those values matter to us - or anyone else for that matter! The values our organizations perform to will indeed become the organizational culture...

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Qualities of a Bad Leader

We started down this path by looking at some of the Essential Qualities of Leadership then we took a hard look at the importance of Leadership in Management. Since we have the foundation in mind, let’s dig into a few of the qualities of a bad leader so we have just as clear a picture of...

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LA via Omaha...

If you were a fan of the late Charlie Daniels, the subject line of this message may ring a bell. While I often reference my taste for guitar solo-laden tunes by 80’s hair bands, I always enjoyed CDB (the Charlie Daniels Band), not to be confused with all the hype today around CBD - although...

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From You, Downā€¦

We’ve worked through some critical things we can each take complete responsibility for controlling in our own lives and with the teams we lead in the last several posts. Before we get the milk & cookies ready for Santa and prepare for New Year, assuming he’s allowed to travel this...

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The Real Thing!

Through the last several posts, we’ve looked at why it’s so important for us to Control What We Can Control, we’ve dug into What We Can Control, we’ve discussed how Our Attitude and Our Actions play a critical role in all this, and we discussed how You Can...

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Iā€™ll Get Right Back With You...

Just a few days ago, I contacted a relatively new local restaurant to confirm their current business hours prior to setting up an appointment with someone coming in from out of town. I completed the form on their website, hit submit, and received a message saying that I would receive feedback at...

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Learn From It, and Keep Pushing Forward

Originally shared in A Daily Dose Of Leadership on July 17, 2020.

I remember hearing a story about a college football coach who was training someone new to help with the team’s recruiting efforts. He gave a scenario of a few players he had recently scouted. One was getting pushed all over...

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