The Pursuit of… Purpose!

Over the years, I’ve referenced the preamble to the Declaration of Independence numerous times in articles on our website as well as lessons in our Leading At The Next Level program. Just in case it’s not fresh in your mind, I’ll share it once more here - directly from the ...

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The Cost of Disengaged Employees

Once we’ve been intentional about creating a culture of top-down leadership that provides effective communication on an ongoing basis and we’ve worked to minimize the profitability that’s killed by high voluntary turnover and ongoing recruiting, the next - but certainly no less...

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Taking the Wind Out of Our Sails…

So imagine you’re overseeing a team of folks with an incredibly high workload to produce for your customer and it seems like all you can get done is interview, hire, and train new employees. Some of the ones coming on board connect with the team and stick around but a high number never stay...

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Something to Strive For

As we build a top down leadership model that has a positive impact on recruitment and retention throughout our facility, we can expect that same leadership style to drive results in our areas too as long as we understand the difference between servant leadership and subservient leadership. I...

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Be the Reason They Don’t Quietly Quit!

Think back to the statements I shared from the article, To Find Success at Work, Match Your Job With Your Personality, suggesting that “Certain jobs attract people with predictable personalities” and “personality correlates so tightly with jobs that it may affect job choices...

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Quiet Firing: Childish and Unacceptable!

Let me emphasize it again just in case we’re not on the same page… Quiet quitting may be a relatively new term but it ain’t a new thing! And while I’ll never suggest I’m OK with someone giving less than satisfactory effort expecting a world-class reward, I’m...

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Burnout: Are They Tired or Just Not Inspired?

Since looking at Who’s to Blame last time, my mom shared something she had just seen on Dr. Phil where he suggested that quiet quitting was a societal issue largely caused by lack of initiative on the employees’ part. I usually attempt to be fairly mild and respectful with my language...

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Employees Quiet Quitting - Who’s to Blame?

There’s certainly a lot of hype around it currently, but I maintain that quiet quitting is no new issue - even though I’ve never seen anyone seem to care the least bit about it until just recently! With hopes that you’re tracking with me on the importance of EARNING engagement...

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If They’re Not Rowing At All, Rowing Harder Isn’t Likely…

About a dozen years ago, I was offered a position with global responsibility for the behavior-based safety process within the company I worked for. The fellow who had been in the role for more than a decade was retiring and since I had supported him by working with most of our facilities across...

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A Manager Wouldn’t Necessarily Know…?

We don’t need to hold a press conference, but it really is something we should have been keenly aware of for years! Now that I’ve made a case that quiet quitting hasn’t necessarily taken the place of Covid on the pandemic scene, and in some cases it may actually be the current...

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Quiet Quitting: An Epidemic, a BuzzWord, or a Cop-Out?

I’ve been seeing the term Quiet Quitting more and more over the last few months. To be very clear, I’ve never been one to jump on many bandwagons. This catchphrase was definitely one that got me to scowl more than a few times! And in complete transparency, I just haven’t been...

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Being Miserable at Work is Expensive!

What flashbacks do you have when you think about your most miserable job ever? There was an NCIS episode where Abby and McGee go back and forth with one another sharing their worst jobs before joining Team Gibbs. It started out with the boring ones and rapidly morphed into the most disgusting...

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