Get Better, Sooner!

Let’s assume, as dangerous as that can be, that our onboarding process is at least good enough for folks to stick around beyond that 45 to 90 day window we looked at last time…  Now we’re cooking with gas, right? Maybe not quite yet!

The article I referenced before from...

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The Importance of SOPā€™s

Building on what we looked at last time about our cultural obsession with productivity, I’ll share an example of something I learned as I was working to implement Lean Manufacturing initiatives in the facility I worked at for nearly twenty years…

We all tend to have our own way of...

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Itā€™s a Choice Weā€™ve All Got to Make!

Abraham Lincoln has been quoted as saying, “Folks are usually about as happy as they make their minds up to be.” While I’ve also seen him credited for saying things like “You can’t believe all the quotes you read on the internet,” I’ve actually heard that...

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SOP's for Leadership Action

Originally shared in A Daily Dose Of Leadership on July 16, 2020.

OK, action can truly cure a lot of what ails us… And the action we take in a leadership role has to be very different than the action we would take if everything depended on us alone. But as we discussed in the last blog,...

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