Having Fun While We Pursue Our Purpose

Just as much as I get fulfillment by getting things done, there’s a large group of folks who will thrive on having as much fun as they can while they work at achieving their purpose. While this group will likely be every bit as Outgoing and move at a pace that’s just as fast,...

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How Weā€™re Wired Impacts How We Pursue Our Purpose

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Leadership is HARD! I’m not suggesting that it’s complicated or difficult, just that it nearly always brings a heavy mental and emotional burden. Fulfilling our own responsibilities is often a complicated task in itself but...

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Providing a Clear Purpose for Each Team Member

Leading with a clear purpose, whether that’s drawing from the power of having a clear purpose for why and how we lead the team members who are counting on us or through how we provide that same kind of clear purpose for each individual on the team, is often some of the most important work...

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What Happened to Company Culture?

More than ever, the topic of core values and specifically how to better ingrain core values into an organization's culture comes up in our leadership conversations. Anytime we talk about core values and how to keep them relevant, we have to talk about company culture. 

No matter what...

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For Different Reasonsā€¦

As we’re working to provide our best team members with a reason to stay by fulfilling their need for purpose through the work they do, I’ve never seen this be accomplished more effectively than applying the same idea I referenced to address the high cost of turnover; by breaking the...

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Following a Simple Pattern

With just a basic understanding of why people do what they do, Matt was about to intentionally break the golden rule with his team and avoid so many of the costs of poor communication! By following a simple pattern, he was able to begin adding fuel to a different fire… Instead of the fire...

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Breaking The Golden Rule

Once we’ve come to terms with just how high the cost of poor communication can be, and how any poor communication skills existing in our organizations add fuel to other fires that are killing our profitability, we have plenty of reason to address the lack of communication between our...

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Speaking the Wrong Language

Once we’ve been intentional about providing each individual team member with that crystal clear understanding of how each specific task they’re responsible for ties back to our mission, vision, and even values, we should certainly be seeing them buy in at a higher level. But...

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Be the Reason They Donā€™t Quietly Quit!

Think back to the statements I shared from the article, To Find Success at Work, Match Your Job With Your Personality, suggesting that “Certain jobs attract people with predictable personalities” and “personality correlates so tightly with jobs that it may affect job choices...

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The Right Tool(s) for the Job

Last time I referenced The Platinum Role with regards to communicating with our team members based on what they needed, rather than just how we’re wired to share a message. That’s critical for simply limiting the amount of misunderstanding we have on any given day, but it’s even...

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Equal Opportunities or Equitable Opportunities?

So what if that burnout we so often hear about really is a result of being uninspired rather than just plain tired? What can we do as a leader to provide our team members with what they need to find true fulfillment in what may seem like such a mundane routine? Quite frankly, that conversation...

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Who Are You Even Talking To?

If you’re willing to wear that cape that comes with truly leading your team, you know that phrase I shared as we started down this path won’t be one you’ll be using as your own any time soon! That whole idea of “I’m only responsible for what I say, not for what you...

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