Achieving Purpose: Success in Work and in Life

Building purpose into any career path we help a team member pursue can provide a tremendous amount of fulfillment - for them and for us! Over time, the work we do to delegate tasks that provide them with exposure and build their overall skill set will also help us use our own time more...

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Supporting Their Purpose

In a lesson I wrote several years ago, I referenced something I had first read in The Servant by James Hunter, suggesting that servant leadership requires the individual leading to determine what they’re team members truly need in order to best serve them. This falls right in line with what...

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Purpose in Every Role

Early on in this look at Leading With a Clear Purpose, I shared examples of close friends who have dedicated (and risked) their lives through careers serving others; military, fire, and law enforcement. In detailing those, I even provided some average starting wages for police officers and...

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Verbalizing the Purpose Theyā€™re Driven By

Please don’t mistake me referring to something as being simple for thinking that I’m saying it will be easy. Even when we’ve invested the time to listen to what our team members are telling us and we’ve paid close attention to what their behaviors are showing us,...

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Designing Love (and Purpose) Into Our Routine

Making sure we can dedicate close to twenty percent of our time to the things we love - those things that really connect with our clear purpose - can often be a huge challenge in itself. Even when we have some level of control over what we do and when, the responsibility of leading nearly always...

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Purpose is a Precursor to Contribution!

Earlier I shared Marcus Buckingham’s comment about love being the most powerful force in business for driving behavior - except he probably spells it behaviour… In that same talk, he said that “love is the precursor to contribution,” and related it to the engagement we...

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Connecting It All to Our Purpose

I remember laughing out loud at my new boss during the first 60 day review I had experienced as a new employee since I was a teenager. In early October of 2014, I started a position with a new company for the first time since March of 1996. During that initial performance evaluation just two...

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Purpose Keeps the Tank Full!

I’ve made a few references already in making a case for just how important it is for every leader to have a clear purpose that energizes them. Without having that in place, the challenges we face as we lead our teams can become more weight than we’re willing to carry, and I’ve...

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Prioritizing to Our Purpose

Once we’ve developed systems that tie back to how we’re wired and ensure we’re effective in keeping our purpose top of mind, there’s still a high likelihood that we’ll still have to juggle more tasks than we can ever get done on a given day. And while that can often...

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Keeping Our Purpose Top of Mind

By now, you should have at least a foundation for Why You Do What You Do and a reasonable understanding of How Our Wiring Impacts How We Purpose Our Purpose… With those things in place, let’s build on that so we can be sure we’re always keeping our purpose top-of-mind!

I want...

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A Clear Purpose for Achieving Exceptional Results

If you’re a leader with this final primary behavioral style, I have no doubt whatsoever that you’ve developed complete clarity around how each task you perform ties to your purpose and why all the other junk you deal with through the process shouldn’t bog you down. But...

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When Serving Others Feeds Our Purpose

If we’re in a leadership role and have this third primary behavioral style, where we’re more Reserved and People-Oriented, we’re part of the largest group across the population as a whole. That said, I haven’t personally seen nearly as many folks who are wired this way...

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