Beware of This Zone & Reach Your Potential

daily growth daily stretch yourself growth law of the rubberband leadership leadershipgrowth potential stretch Jul 11, 2023

In 2019, I (Cindy) hurt my back, which put me out of commission for around 2 weeks and months of pain afterward. Along with strengthening exercises, the best thing I could do involved (and still does) daily stretching. I’m not talking about those ‘just woke up from a nap’ stretch either.  The stretches required to lengthen my spine and help the bulging disc move back into place were painful! But, the result of becoming stronger, having a better range of motion, and the absence of pain were worth every stretch.

Think of all the professional stretching you have done over the course of your career. Think of all the stretching you've had to do in life!!

One of my favorite quotes in this chapter on the Law of the Rubber Band is, "God's gift to us: potential. Our gift to God: developing it."

We also learn here, the only way to grow is by getting outside of our comfort zone. By stretching and continuing to stretch not only physically but mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

Life begins at the end of our comfort zone and we go there by stretching. How will you stretch this week to ensure growth? How are you stretching today?  We only reach our potential by getting out of our comfort zone!