Are You Moving in the Right Direction?

#direction 15 invaluable laws of growth; consistency growth intention intentional action key law of awareness Feb 11, 2021

Even when we are growing, if we are in the midst of change and uncertainty we can lose sight of our direction.  One way to stay focused on the vision of your future is to keep it in front of you on a daily basis and continue growing in the areas you most need to grow.

Knowing yourself well enough to know where you most need to grow to get to where you want to be... is the key!

In the second chapter of 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth we find the Law of Awareness which says, you must know yourself to grow yourself.  This combination gives us direction if we apply it to our life. To help us understand this at a deeper level John Maxwell shares the following 3 types of people when it comes to finding direction:

  1. People who don’t know what they would like to do
  • They are confused
  1. People who know what they want to do but they don’t do it.
  •  They are frustrated
  1. People who know what they want to do and they do it.
  • They are fulfilled

The first step toward change is awareness. If you’re not where you want to be, you have to start with the choices that led you away from your desired destination. If your current choices and activities aren’t taking you where you want to go, take some time to become aware of the steps that will move you in the right direction. Then take Intentional Action for Ongoing Growth!

Take a look at the complementary courses I’ve (Cindy) created to help anyone increase their awareness and avoid the traps we all face as we pursue growth.