In 2012, I made my first significant career change in more than a decade. While I had a hand in various human resource tasks and projects during the dozen or so years I led our facility’s behavior-based safety process and supported many of our company’s locations across North America...
When we’ve done the work to create the kind of atmosphere that great people want to be a part of, because they see the impact our organization makes and they have a desire to be involved in something that matters, and we’ve invested the necessary energy to have at least a foundational...
To be able to put a little purpose behind the mission, vision, and values we want our teams to connect with and live out - or even be able to connect with them ourselves - it’s never as simple as reading words from a page. Let’s be honest, most companies have core values listed on...
Providing our teams with clarity around the mission, vision, and values that we’re working toward as an organization can be powerful! One thing I see many leaders struggle with though is keeping those in front of their team members consistently. From the start of this look at the importance...
Make no mistake, I’ve seen some incredibly eloquent verbiage used in defining companies’ missions, visions, and values. But I’ve rarely seen the people in an organization rally around all that eloquence in a way produces. Even when the results seem to match the mission and...
I want to challenge you to really churn through this mission statement for a deep understanding of all it captures:
“Our mission is to delight our customers as the number one technology driven global manufacturer and marketer of value differentiated XYZ products and services. We will...
Since most leaders will have far more interaction with their teams than they’ll likely have with the majority of the clients they serve, we’ll go work through that in far more detail soon. But designing love and purpose into how our organizations operate will most definitely spill...
As leaders, the systems we create to help us manage our own routine and workload are critical - especially if we’re going to have a real shot at keeping even the clearest purpose top of mind. But we DO NOT have the luxury of stopping there! Building similar routines into our entire...
It’s our privilege and our responsibility as leaders to help our people become better. Holding a high standard to the core values of the organization is a great start.
The first step in turning team values into team performance is holding ourselves and our people accountable to our actions...
When we focus on turning team values into team performance, it helps us face reality. We want to believe the best of our people and we should want that. But as leaders, we must define the reality of our team's performance, which takes us to behaviors. This is all about action and...
Having just wrapped up our look at how high turnover kills so much of an organization’s profitability, it just makes sense to shift our focus to the costs of recruiting. If we are indeed able to provide our best team members with a solid reason to stay, the pressure to add anyone with a...
In looking at turnover rates and profitability of organizations, it's hard to miss the continuing trend towards companies needing and seeking a better culture. The good news is there’s increased interest in serving well from the values statement we have on our walls. The bad...