Being Involved From the Start...

I doubt it would be very difficult to choose which management team you would have preferred working for, the one where everybody knows your name or the one where NOBODY seemed to care if you had a name, especially if all the other factors involved were about the same… Quite frankly,...

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How Great Leadership Improves the Recruiting Process

Earlier I mentioned starting what I thought would be a job to get me through college on March 12, 1996 and referenced how much that organization invested into the process of hiring 40 of the close to one thousand candidates who applied. What I didn’t share was how much of that investment...

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Clear Expectations & High Standards

Once we understand the key to retaining and engaging our new team members, and really all of our team members for that matter, the next piece we need to be sure to build into our onboarding process deals with making sure everyone knows exactly what’s expected. Although that may sound like a...

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The Key to Retaining & Engaging Our Team Members

If we really want to build an onboarding process that works, especially when we’re responsible for leading the organization and we may not have direct interaction with each team member on a daily basis, we need to be sure the first impression we make is one that lasts - and a good one at...

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Whereā€™s the Payback?

I don’t think it’s ever been much of a secret that turnover is expensive or that getting a new team member up to speed takes time, and both cost a lot more than most companies realize, but those certainly aren’t the only places we see the impact of our onboarding process - be...

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Get Better, Sooner!

Let’s assume, as dangerous as that can be, that our onboarding process is at least good enough for folks to stick around beyond that 45 to 90 day window we looked at last time…  Now we’re cooking with gas, right? Maybe not quite yet!

The article I referenced before from...

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Do the Benefits Outweigh the Costs?

Now that we’ve got a pretty firm grasp on What Onboarding Is & Why It Even Matters, at least with regards to the overall picture, let’s take a look at how effective onboarding can have a tangible impact on our bottom line before we even bother mapping out any specific steps we...

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Donā€™t Just Check the Box!

We’ll soon start working through the tangible benefits an organization can expect from an effective employee orientation program but before we go too far into the HOW, we have to nail down the WHO and the WHY! Otherwise, any steps we take won’t likely make the impact we’re...

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Employees or Teammates?

Since we now have a definition of onboarding that we can work from, and I started pounding the drum about the importance of making sure our organizational values are a heavy part of that process, let’s start looking at a few things we need to keep in mind if we’re going to be...

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What is Onboarding? And Why Does It Matter?

Cindy and I focus the majority of our work around helping organizations develop their leaders and build more effective communication into their cultures. Quite frankly, I can’t can’t think of anything else that can impact a company’s productivity, and in turn profitability, any...

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