Leading with a Clear Purpose Drive Profitability!

If we’re going to connect the clear purpose we’re working toward with the kind of love that Marcus Buckingham described as “the most powerful force in business for driving behavior,” we’ll need to draw for the idea we looked at before in Prioritizing to Our Purpose...

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Experts in Their Fieldsā€¦

So picture this… One of your most senior employees, the one who’s arguably the absolute best in the organization in their specific skill set, constantly grumbles about how poorly they’re treated and occasionally goes on a tirade slamming the owner in front of all of their...

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The Wrong Focus

Over the last several years, I’ve seen more and more references - through basically every media channel I pay any attention to with ties to the overall workforce - to the importance of soft skills. More often than not though, these references are generalizations tied to manager and...

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Do Not Cheat Yourself By Doing This!

When we strive to become more aware of us we give ourselves a chance to grow in the areas we need to. 

A friend called me (Cindy) recently with a revelation about some of the individuals she was choosing to spend time with. I passed on an intentional action a mentor shared with me when I...

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It Takes FOUR Laps to Make a Mile...

Now that we’re more than one week into the new year, are you still on track and moving toward any goals you had set to make 2021 your best year yet? As Cindy and I pulled into the gym parking lot early this morning, there were still several extra cars - but not as many extras as last...

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Do Better or Become Better?

Originally shared in A Daily Dose Of Leadership on August 21, 2020.

If we’re focused on winning a finite game, our objective will most likely be to do the absolute best we can within the given time frame so our results are better than whoever we’re competing against. And let me be...

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