Urgent or Important?

If we really want our investment into leadership development to make a visible difference on productivity over the long haul, there’s a hurdle we cannot afford to stumble over! Even after making sure expectations have been clearly communicated and the necessary support has been provided to...

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When I Did This, Everything Changed

It was a bit shocking to learn 95% of all people never take action on their intentions. And many of the remaining 5% that do take action, never take action on the things that will get them the results they're after!  I remember soberly thinking, that is nearly everyone.  Wait a...

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What Are You Feeding Them?

Originally shared in A Daily Dose Of Leadership on July 7, 2020.

In a recent Leading At The Next Level lesson called Different Name, Same Challenge, we took a look at how easy it can really be for any of us to get overwhelmed by fears or concerns when everything we see and hear from the media...

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