Which Stage Are You Singing From?

I’ll be very transparent here, I know my limitations… I'm certain I’ve never even been able to sing as well as Vince Neil (if we can really call what he does now singing), which is a fairly low bar at this point! In fact, I haven’t believed I could sing for more than...

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Are You Engaging Your Audience?

I make no apologies for my taste in music. In fact, I’m convinced the 80’s hairband genre featured some of the most talented musicians and entertainers in the last century. You certainly don’t have to share this opinion, but I’m clearly not alone - as evidenced by the 30...

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One Way Employee Retention Impacts Recruiting...

In the last post, we made the move from focusing on the importance of employee retention to looking at recruitment and retention strategies. With that in mind, we can never really afford to take our eye off the ball with regards to creating the type of culture that keeps great people onboard and...

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Genuine Appreciation

Originally shared in A Daily Dose Of Leadership on August 6, 2020.

Through the last few blogs, we’ve taken a look at some things we can do to intentionally include individuals as part of our team and build a culture of authentic inclusion. Since we each have our own unique blend of all four...

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