Add This to Your Daily Habits & Win Big!

comfort zone daily growth daily stretch yourself get out of your comfort zone and change your life grow growth intentional action for ongoing growth intentionality law of the rubberband stretch tension Mar 20, 2021
growth, out of comfort zone, tension, impact, daily growth, intentional action for ongoing growth, stretch, stretch yourself to grow yourself

In creating a lesson for our Leading at the Next Level courses around the Law of the Rubberband, I’m reminded more every day on the benefits of stretching ourselves in order to grow.  This law says, “growth stops when you lose the tension between where you are and where you want to be.” There are the basic benefits from our own experiences in life but it’s not until we pause to consider how the stretches we have made in life changed our trajectory; that we are able to see the full scope of their impact.

If you have taught, trained, or spoken on a topic or engaged in a deep dive for another reason; you may be like me and realize how much deeper you learn when you need to research, compile, and articulate the information.  And not just the information, but the best parts of the information in a way that is interesting and relevant to your audience or learning.  And be sure to add your own experiences which allows your message to resonate at a deeper level with your audience and yourself! 

This is my experience every time I prepare and practice to deliver an impactful message.  And it stretches me EVERYTIME! Anytime you are putting 100% of yourself into something it should stretch you.  If you already had everything it takes you would just wake up, walk onto whatever your stage is and viola! Sadly, too many leaders today are hoping for the viola without stretching themselves to obtain growth and sustain winning results.  

Maybe you are out of your comfort zone every day and you know you are stretching and growing at a high level.  Or maybe you could use some good questions to help you on the path to growing yourself daily.  Here’s some I ask myself that may be helpful for you:

What are you doing today to stretch yourself in a specific area?

How are you intentionally getting out of your comfort zone daily?

How have you stretched to develop yourself?

How have your stretches challenged you?

Where in your life do you need to be stretching right now?

Without stretching to achieve growth, a person never moves beyond average and I’m guessing you are not here to be average!

It was Abraham Maslow who said, “If you plan on being anything less than you are capable of being, you will probably be unhappy the rest of your life.”  

Growth means stretching and helps you become the person that achieves your goals and dreams.  Check out our complimentary course access to Intentional Action for Ongoing Growth and start or hone your professional development and personal growth today - they are built to stretch anyone who is willing to take intentional action on what they learn!